Apr 24, 2013

Sables - The French Butter Cookies

This week I tried a new recipe of a French Butter cookie. It is called as “Sables” in French which means sand. Why it is called sand because of its texture which is crumbly and like shortbread, a bit smooth as well. It has a beautiful shiny appearance. These cookies are one of my favourites. They are just so perfect with tea or on its own.

It is said that Sables were first made in Caen, France in the 17th century. A hotel called Mere Poulard made it very popular. At the Poilane Bakery in Paris, France they are known as Punitions (The Punishment). This is because, as the story goes, they were thought to be so good that they'd call the kids to come in to the hotel La Mere Poulard after school for a snack and the cookies were offered to them as a little 'punishment'.  They'd say, "Come and get your punishment!” I would say what a beautiful treat for a punishment, who wouldn’t want it?

It is very important to use the best quality butter for this recipe. Best quality does not necessarily mean the most expensive. There are varieties of butters available in the market. With a bit of experiments and knowledge one can choose the best quality butter.

These cookies can be made in any fancy shape and finally you can sandwich them with chocolate ganache or preserves of your choice. They can also be flavoured with different nuts and zests. If you keep them plain it is easier to store in a box without worrying about its icing getting messed up.

I choose this hand shaped cookie cutter to make these super attractive, tasty, delicious sables. I really enjoyed making these cookies and they are so easy to make. I think one should really give it a go before experimenting something complex.

I am trying to inculcate the habit of blogging regularly and hopefully I will come up with something exciting soon.

Yours Baker,
Chica's Bakehouse

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